Sunday, September 29, 2013

Grant Won by Foxes' NGO Celebrated by Yusto and Rehema

United States Ambassador Alfonso Lenhardt
presents Ambassador's award to Rehema Mgimwa and Yusto Chumi

This week members of the NGO travelled to Dar es Salaam to take part in a ceremony at the United States embassy. The event was hosted by US Ambassador Alfonso Lenhardt, and it was to celebrate the work of various Tanzanian Non-governmental Organizations, such as Foxes' NGO, who would be accepting a grant for various projects. Our organization was accepting a grant for $28,000 to build a new nursery school to be opened in January 2013!

Rehema Mgimwa and Yusto Chumi were there along with management to receive the cheque from the ambassador. Construction has already begun on the project, as currently, roofing is going up.

It was a proud moment for the NGO as Rehema and Yusto were each interviewed by various members of the Tanzanian press, and both spoke eloquently and with pride about what the NGO has accomplished, and what the goals are for the future.

We are happy that Rehema and Yusto got to be a part of this event, and we look forward to future opportunities for members of our NGO to get a chance to speak to the masses about the work being done in Mufindi.


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