Sunday, August 25, 2013

Nache Medical Treatment Continues

Nache (left) back with friends at Igoda Children's Village

Nache, 12, is a child who is currently struggling with a battle against HIV. We have been reporting on his up and down health status since Doctors Vikki Milne and Will Metcalfe worked with him back in June. He recently ended a three-week long stint as an in-patient at a far-away private Hospital as we are trying to do everything we can to give him the best health care possible. This is a difficult challenge, as our project area of 16 villages (population 30-40,000) still lacks even a health center, and is trying to get by with just 5 health dispensaries for now. The private Hospital Nache went to for three weeks is extremely expensive, and normally not at all within the means of patients in the community. Our NGO had to change budgeting plans for other projects to accommodate the health services bill of over $1000 for his treatment, and this is really a sign to us that there is still a long way to go to providing accessible health care to this community.

With our public private partnership with Mdabulo health facility, and ambitious plans for investments in health care in the area, Foxes’ NGO is trying to change all of this, but it takes time for funding to be realized to achieve these goals. In the meantime, for children like Nache, the outlook would be much more bleak without assistance from the NGO and its health department. Nache had a helper with him for each day and night that he was at the Hospital. He was suffering from respiratory problems, and it was very touch-and-go as to whether he would be back to the Children’s Village with his new family.

We are all so very grateful that he is now back at Igoda Children’s Village, and the guardians are all doing their very best in terms of giving him rest, and a healthy diet to help see him through this. There have been many success stories that have come through the doors of Igoda Children’s Village, and we are all putting all of our efforts forth to make Nache the next one!

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