Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Big Move: Items Delivered to Mdabulo Health Facility

Over the past 6 or 7 years Marion Gough from Orphans in the Wild UK has been putting forth a tireless effort in collecting items, and packing containers to be sent to Mufindi. 5 containers have been sent over the years, and the items have been incredibly valuable to the community. 
Jenny Peck helps make a moving plan with
Dani Chunga and Ezra Mhegele

This week, as space became available at Mdabulo Health facility after completion of construction of the functioning wing of the facility, countless items were transferred to the facility for its use.
The items collected from various Hospitals from around the UK, and generous donors as well, have been stored in a warehouse (locally called ‘the go-down’) waiting for this day to arrive. 
Marion Gough's work on her annual visits is grately appreciated. She drew this map to help
users of the warehouse find appropriate medical items.

It was a lot of hard work this week, but the warehouse is now completely empty, as items are now stored in the empty containers at Igoda Children’s Village sent through Orphans in the Wild and at Mdabulo health facility. Items include x-ray machines and facilities, hospital beds, surgical instruments, a fully furnished dental clinic, optometry instruments, and countless other medical items. Each of the containers also contained other valuable items pertaining to education and care for vulnerable children, but the delivery of these items brings a special excitement as the Mdabulo health facility will be fully-furnished with health equipment and supplies. 
It was all hands on deck to move this portable x-ray machine without damaging it!
It likely weighs more than 500 kilograms!
This will make an indelible impact on the health services of the area that to date is devoid of Hospital for a 30-40,000 population and over 40 square kilometers.

A special thanks to Marion Gough, her husband Rod, Jane and Bruce Fox, and the whole team at Orphans in the Wild for their tremendous efforts in getting these containers to Mufindi, and supplying the community with unprecedented resources!

Asanteni sana!

(Pictures coming soon of the items in use!)

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