Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Igoda Children's Village Heatlh Clinic

Original sketch plan
for Clinic Construction

I always think it is fun to see a building take its shape as it is being built. After funds are raised, and a site is selected, it’s really exciting to see the progress of a project coming to life.

The Health Clinic at Igoda Children’s Village will be the first health facility built in Igoda Village, and only the third health facility ever constructed in the administrative ward of Luhunga- population just over 10,000. It will be the primary health facility for Dr. Leena Pasanen who will be working full-time in Mufindi starting in October this year. 
Site cleared and bricks delivered December 2012

The facility will also be bolstered by Letisia Kitinusa and Sijali Kitalika who are part of our Health Department, and all in all a tremendous service to this side of our project area will be produced.

The 'Yatima' Clinic, as it is known in our area so far (Yatima means orphan in Swahili), is being built from funds generously given from two sources: The Dar es Salaam Charity Goat Race Event, and a greatly successful fundraiser held by Gord Bredyk and Evelyn Voigt in Ottawa, Canada. Our organization depends solely on these types of funds, and we are so grateful for Gord and Evelyn’s efforts over the years, as well as the fantasic healp from the Goat Races!
Foundations completed March 2013

I’ve always wanted to do a ‘follow your dollar’ piece on these building projects, but have never had the time. I picture it would be showing how by constructing the entire project with local materials, and hiring only people form the area, the building projects make a far bigger impact than just the service the building itself provides. The overall economy gets a boost every time a project is put in place.
Walls going up May 2013

Special thanks here anyway goes out to all those who have supported us throughout the years, for the support given to this community that is now in recovery mode from the devastation that HIV caused in the past. The funds given have given much needed resources to this community, but also allowed people to lift themselves out of poverty through employment and hard work. 
Progress as of June 2013

1 comment:

  1. Stunning, Fantastic its looks so astounding. Much obliged to you for sharing this article and keep doing awesome.Yuva Path
