Saturday, July 20, 2013

Foxes' NGO Health Department

Letisia Kanyika and Sijali Kitalika lead the organization’s Health Department. They are two busy women! As we live in one of the hardest hit areas for HIV in Tanzania, there are countless related health problems that arise, and not just with the 75+ children that live at the Igoda Children’s Village. Letisia and Sijali also assist medical volunteers (especially Dr. Leena Pasanen) and regularly visit patients in nearby villages to help bolster the health services in a community just beginning to recover from the devastation wrought by the HIV pandemic.

Letisia Kanyika came to the NGO in 2012 asking for work as she had recently completed her certification as a nurse. The NGO was looking for a nurse to help with the various health issues presented regularly by the Igoda Children’s Village. She joined an organization with a bevy of health needs, and she has since taken on each challenge she has faced with professionalism and compassion for her patients.
Letisia Kanyika heads our organization's
Health Department

Sijali arrived at the Igoda Children’s Village when her child was very sick. She came to the organization not for a hand-out, but to ask if there was any work available that she could do to pay for her child’s medical bills. She worked in the garden for several months, paid back her loan, and has since worked on and off with the organization if and when a position has been open.
Sijali has a certification in first-aid, and has been a valued member of our health team this year.
Sijali Kitalika is making a difference in her community
as a member of the Health Department for Foxes' NGO

Both have traveled across the country several times to help patients get service in the often-crowded health facilities. They have acted as the voice, or advocate for these patients staying by their side as they stay for extended periods of time at various hospitals. This is a tremendous service as the patients get the treatment needed in a timely manner reducing the suffering of the patients, and also the costs of treatment, which can be crippling to an impoverished family.

Letisia and Sijali have had their salaries for this year sponsored by a very kind donation from the Rotary Club of Port Townsend. We are very thankful for the support that has enabled us to add these two remarkable women to our team!

Asante Sana!

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