purpose of this paper is to analyze the physchosocial aspect of breastfeeding
practices of mothers with HIV in a community located in rural Tanzania, East
Africa. In this particular part of
the Mufindi district, the general population has a HIV prevalence of 35% and in
women ages 20-60, the prevalence is closer to 44%.(L. Ndenga, personal communications, January 15, 2009) Historically women have been slightly
more affected by the HIV pandemic (Gender
Inequalities and HIV, n.d.) and this rural community is no different. With so many HIV+ women in this
community, there is inevitably a concern over vertical transmission, as many
women will choose to have a child despite the risks of infection. With no
intervention, between 20% and 50% of infants born to HIV-infected mothers will
themselves become infected with HIV. (Tolle and Dewey, n.d.) A
local grassroots Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) is attempting to curtail
the spread of HIV with the intervention of infant milk formula together with
seminars related to child and maternal health. As there are very few livestock
due to various cultural and historic reasons (B. Katengo, personal
communications, 2012) and no healthy alternative milk source for infants and
children, this lack poses a serious health risk for all members of the
community, as HIV prevention affects nearly every aspect of a developing
society. Any solutions, or successful interventions in this health topic may be
able to help this community prevent the further spread of this disease, thus
reducing childhood morbidity and mortality.
New infections in children are over 90%
attributable to mother-to-child transmission according to the International
Breastfeeding Journal, including transmission in utero, through labor, and breastmilk (Moland et al., 2010). The
particular demographic affected most by breastfeeding choices in this community
are HIV+ positive women with low socio-economic status that are often
uneducated, sometimes illiterate, with large family sizes. The spread of HIV
through vertical transmission is a particularly dangerous public health problem
as the prospect of future generations born with the disease will no doubt
perpetuate the problem of HIV in this community, thus stymieing any chance for
Over time, the increase of accessibility
to HIV treatment in the area has given mothers more options for preventative
measures. As recently as 2006, there was no treatment of HIV nor any prevention
of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) services available in the rural
community. Due to extreme poverty, most of the community had no access, as the
cost of transport to the closest HIV treatment services in the district capital
was beyond the means of most. As more HIV treatment options became available
through interventions from the local NGO, together with expanded services
provided by the government of Tanzania, more women received treatment during
pregnancy, bringing more awareness about the disease within the community. This
encouraged more women to know their own HIV status, to be tested, and seek
appropriate treatment. One problem
however, was the only sporadic supply of anti-retroviral (ARV) treatment for
HIV+ expectant mothers. Women who were hoping not to pass the virus to their
children had limited options to increase the chance of prevention through
medication. Another challenge was the lack of alternative sources of milk for
their children that could be used to prevent transmission through breast-milk. In 2010, the lack of alternatives to
breastfeeding was first introduced to a local NGO working with orphaned and
vulnerable children, and people living with HIV. Mothers too ill to produce
breast-milk, or too frightened to breastfeed their infants, had been feeding
children as young as 1-2 months old sugar water or tea, as no other sources
were available. This led to increased child mortality, as even children who
were not HIV positive were passing away due to malnutrition. A program at the
NGO was initiated to supply these mothers with infant milk formula. The program
had some potential for success from the very beginning as bottle-feeding was
culturally appropriate to the area, and HIV was so omnipresent that stigma was
not a major concern. The biggest challenge came with education. There was a
definite possibility that the program could cause more harm than good if the
women in the program were not educated on possible negative outcomes of infant
formula feeding (Suryavanshi
et al., 2003)
Fortunately, the NGO had
previously formed a home based care (HBC) program that was originally meant to
follow up on HIV patients that had stopped attending treatment, as well as to
improve overall health education at the community level. Two local volunteers
from each village were trained in basic HIV knowledge and health education, and
they were asked to play a vital role in the success of the milk powder program.
Women wanting to enroll in the program came with a reference letter from the
local HBC volunteer (HBCV) to enable closer follow up, more education and
monitoring. Women in the program
received an initial seminar from a local health care professional on clean
water, safe water storage, hygiene of bottles and cups, as well as a seminar on
family planning, vaccination status of their infant and general child health
issues. Close follow up on CD4
counts and HIV treatment at the local Care and Treatment Clinic (CTC) was also
part of the program, as mothers’ health was equally as important as their child’s. The HBCV would follow up regularly with
each client to ensure that the water used to mix the infant formula and the
bottles used were clean and safe.
As more women sought out the services of this program to help their
babies survive, a new support group started forming. Women built relationships with each other, advised and
supported each other and began to realize they were not alone, that in fact,
there were many women in the same situation as they were.
Breastfeeding and HIV status can cause a
lot of anxiety, guilt, and stress. As an HIV positive mother considers to have another
child, thoughts of financial stability, access to medication, access to
alternative feeding sources for her child, passing along the disease through
generations and social stigma all cross her mind. The way she perceives the event of having a baby and
subsequent care of that child can cause initial distress, as HIV in this
particular part of Mufindi is very prevalent and is devastating families and
causing fear. Using the
Transaction Model of Stress and Coping (TMSC) framework, it can be interpreted
that the community of women immersed in the HIV pandemic are experiencing
primary appraisal of the situation, an evaluation and perception of how the
severe effects of HIV will threaten their familial structure and themselves. As many mothers are unable to live with
guilt and knowledge that they knowingly passed on the disease, this motivates
them to seek information and find support to deal with the guilt, depression,
and anxiety (Glanz K., Rimer B.,Viswanath K., 2008).
The next step the women face is
evaluating what resources are available to them to prevent the transmission of
HIV to their children. They are also likely to research whether they can change
the situation, if they can control various outcomes, or how they might be able
to control their emotions during such a stressful time.(Riley and Fava, 2003)
Looking at one particular factor-the lack
of availability of medications, this is an instance where loss of control can
lead to added stress for these women. Mothers may feel anxious and that they
have failed their child, as during education and counseling sessions they will
have been told they should always be taking prophylaxis, but will be
sporadically unable to receive this treatment due to unreliable availability.
Continuing with the TMSC model, this could lead interpretations that mothers may start to deny their true
status, and they might have less motivation to adhere to medications and
treatment (Gore-Felton and Koopman, 2008).
This leads to the secondary appraisal
stage, where overall lack of control, fear and anxiety increase. Lack of an
alternative milk source, as another example, can lead to more fear when mothers
are told there is a chance they may pass the virus on through breast-milk.
Mothers cannot control the lack of alternative source in this area, as there is
no tradition of livestock keeping (I. Mwila, personal communications, April 15,
2012). Mothers, to some extent, cannot control their socio-economic status if
they are born into this traditionally impoverished area (Gorman, 2012). This means they cannot afford to
purchase milk powder, and the fear perpetuates itself. A woman in this
community also has likely experienced the death of multiple children either in
her family, of neighbors, or of her own. Finally, even a mother seeking
information at her CTC may not be receiving the correct information (Sprague,
2011). or any at all (Phetoe, 2011).
The Tanzanian PMTCT guidelines dictate that mothers should receive support and
explanations on how to reduce risks of transmission to their child. Counseling,
however, can often be sparse, or missing, and this could lead to more fear and
anxiety over issues that are out of the mother’s control. All of these
psychosocial factors that are beyond the control of the mothers lead to a compounded
feeling of fear and anxiety, which in turn can often lead to failings in
The correct intervention on such a big
public health problem is difficult to select, and realize into a feasible
solution. The milk powder program initiated by the local NGO was designed to
assuage the fears that these women had through their various stages of coping.
Starting with lack of availability of medications, the milk powder program
mandates all mothers enrolled to attend their scheduled clinic visits, and connects
the mothers to clinics that are more likely to have medications. This enables
her to continue with her anti-retroviral therapy, and empowers her by bringing
more stability to her treatment plan, which is in line with Unicef goals for
PMTCT. Another fear due to lack of control the mothers experienced was the lack
of replacement feeding for breast-milk. The milk powder program’s primary goal
is to supply a sustainable source of infant milk formula for HIV+ mothers, thus
taking away another stress. The milk formula is provided for free, and
therefore the mothers do not have any added worry about financing the service.
This has led to steady enrollment for mothers in the program, as the only
requirements are attendance of treatment at the CTC, educational seminars
provided by the NGO, village led child ‘good-heath- clinics, and adherence to
birth control, all services which are free. Local health care professionals
have stated that the program itself is responsible for lowering the infant
mortality rate through preventing the transmission of HIV, and improving
overall health of the infants through the educational seminars that empower
women to make improved health decisions for the diet and hygiene of their
children (K. Fute, personal communication, October 1, 2013) Finally, by
partnering with other organizations the local NGO brings up-to-date and correct
information regarding health education to each member of the program through
seminars and frequent visits made by home based care volunteers.
The psychosocial benefits of the
intervention of Infant Milk Powder as introduced by the grassroots NGO has
greatly reduced the fear and anxiety mothers feel. Even though there are likely
more interventions to consider that can positively affect the community, this appears
to be a successful program for these women and children in this particular area
of Mufindi.
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10. Tanzania National Guidelines for
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Giving free infant formula in such a poor area as Mufindi is not justifiable. It's an outdated approach likely to do more harm than good; a waste of money at best. See for evidence of how poorly it worked even in a better resourced population in South Africa (which has since stopped giving free formula--as has UNICEF. And see for evidence that it's even being questioned in rich countries.
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ReplyDeleteIt is so pathetic that that these women and their children are going through such menace, but the question is can't we do something about it? Yes we can...We African can also support with the little intelligence that we have. I have develop a food supplement that stimulate breastfeeding in even malnourished women in Ghana. i just need a support from any NGO to support me to deliver such product to where it is needed most. I am in Ghana and who ever is interested can contact me so that its made available to support these women and their kids. women who undergo C/S take this supplement and they produce the milk within 2 to 12 hours and in abundantly. i hope to hear from any interest group.
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